These two unnamed men were hired to protect Juan el Bueno during his meeting with Gerard "Sully" Sullivan, Jamie Tovell, and Emilio. During the meeting, Sully shot to death the two men and Juan.
Nothing is known about these men other than they were involved in criminal activity, and hired by Juan el Bueno as enforcers. It is unknown when they became affiliated with Juan.
Top Boy: Series 4[]
Gerard "Sully" Sullivan, Jamie Tovell, and Emilio arrive at the rendezvous to meet with Juan el Bueno, who has been capturing their drug shipments from their Moroccan suppliers. Juan's two bodyguards frisk the three and the meeting seemingly ends successfully.

Sully shoots both of Juan's men.
Sully tells Juan he has a gift for his sweet tooth; Sully calls it a "small gesture to a long business relationship". The man in the white shirt opens the tin and sees an array of pastries. Juan selects one and turns his head to show his guards, which gives Sully enough time to grab a hidden pistol taped to the bottom of the tin. Sully shoots both of Juan's men in the head in quick succession, and shoots Juan in the back when he attempts to flee.
Sully is about to kill Juan, but Emilio asks for the gun. Emilio executes Juan to avenge his brother-in-law, who Juan had betrayed earlier to do business with Los Duques. ("De Capa y Espada")